Our Tips for Settling in to a New Home

Moving into a new home marks the beginning of an exciting chapter in your life. Getting cozy in a new place can feel like a mountain of tasks, whether you just purchased a new property, downsized, or upsized. From unpacking boxes to planning short- and long-term renovations, there's a seemingly unending list of what to consider. Don't worry; we’ve been around the block a few times (ahem, more than 30 years) helping new buyers settle into their homes. With some strategic steps and thoughtful planning, you can transform your new house into an inspiring home that reflects your style and personality.

Packing and Unpacking

This is the first step of the process and arguably the hardest but most important step in your move.


As you unpack, you'll likely end up intentionally and unintentionally leaving around heaps of packing materials. Instead of letting them clutter your new space or thinking you’ll end up reusing them in the future, consider recycling or repurposing them. Cardboard boxes can be broken down and taken to recycling centers, while bubble wrap and packing paper can be reused for fragile items or donated to local businesses.

If you have unused extras from your move, you can also list them on your Nextdoor app or on Facebook Marketplace to recoup some of those costs and help someone in your community.

Our Favorite Packing Hack

Packing efficiently can save you time and effort when moving and unpacking. One of our favorite hacks is to group clothing on hangers and cover them with a trash bag, securing the cinch on top of the bag around the hanger hooks. This keeps your clothes clean and makes transferring them from your old closet to your new one a breeze. No folding and rehanging required!

Simple and Critical Enhancements

This step helps you keep your new property feeling new, even after you fill it with all your old stuff.

Fresh Paint

Nothing revitalizes a space quite like a fresh coat of paint. Whether you opt for calming neutrals or bold accent colors, painting your walls can instantly transform the ambiance of your home to give it a new feel. Before painting all the walls, be sure to test paint samples in different lighting conditions to ensure you choose the perfect hue. Testing samples is especially important when choosing neutrals and whites.

Refreshing Furniture

Over time, furniture gets dirty with stains and odors, which can be much more noticeable when moving into a new space. Investing in a portable upholstery cleaner like the Bissell Little Green Machine can be a game-changer for giving your furniture a refresh after your move. Its compact size makes it easy to maneuver around your home to tackle spills and spots.

Welcoming Entryway

From loading in boxes to inevitable Home Depot runs you’ll be heading in and out of your new home far more frequently than normal during the first few weeks. Get a durable and beautiful doormat to help limit wear and tear and add a simple yet welcoming addition to your home's entrance. Plus, it will help to keep dirt and debris from being tracked indoors!

Renovating Your Space

When you’re ready, this step can help you increase your property’s value.

Budgeting for a Reno

Renovating your home can significantly enhance its functionality and aesthetic appeal. It can also help increase your property value whether it’s for enjoying for the next 10 years or for an advantageous resale value, or to appeal to potential renters when you switch from homeowner to investor. Setting a realistic budget for your renovation can help avoid overspending on the design. Most homeowners opt for the highest and best materials without accounting for labor costs and unexpected expenses, which can create a negative ROI on the renovation. On average, remodeling projects only have a 69% ROI (Today’s Homeowner), so plan accordingly!

Planning for a Reno

As tempting as it can be to take that sledgehammer to your dated kitchen, before starting your renovation project, you’ll want to check which permits and approvals from local authorities you’ll need. Work with an experienced general contractor or research zoning regulations and building codes to ensure you’re in compliance. You'll also want to create detailed plans outlining your renovation goals, timeline, and budget constraints. This can help keep your project on track even with potential delays due to back-ordered products or unforeseen construction issues and give your contractors and suppliers a concrete plan to operate on.

Staying Sane During a Reno

Renovations can be disruptive and stressful, but there are strategies to help you maintain your sanity throughout the process. Establish a designated renovation-free zone in your home where you can retreat and relax away from the chaos. If you need to, get a POD to store displaced personal items during the renovation rather than cluttering other areas. Set realistic expectations for the timeline and then add a little more. Keep in regular contact with your vendors so they keep your project at the forefront of their minds and you can keep the project moving forward!

Settling into a new home, whether it’s your first or your fifth, is time-consuming, overwhelming, and full of opportunities! It can feel easy to just unpack and settle in without a plan, but the happiest homeowners we know are the ones who took the time to turn their house into a home after closing.


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