The Key: High Impact Real Estate Activities

“The Key” is Blakemore Real Estate’s agent-focused blog series in which educational tips, best practices, and expert insights are shared to help Realtors® excel in their careers.

As a Realtor®, occasionally there may be days you’ll have some downtime. When you find yourself in that position with nothing on your to-do list, there are countless high-impact activities you can do even without having a listing or working with buyers — even better when you’re doing these activities regularly while working with sellers and buyers!

Lead Generation Activities for Realtors®

Lead generation is the process of attracting and converting prospective buyers into leads. Lead generation is important because being a Realtor® is about building relationships, not filling up a quota of transactions. You need to develop an authentic and strategic lead generation plan to gain more clients. Here are a few activities that you can add to your to-do list to help you get potential leads.

  1. Do 5x5s (circle prospecting on a new listing).

  2. Offer CMAs to your sphere.

  3. Make calls to past or current clients.

  4. Work FSBOs or expired listings.

Creating relationships in your community is one of the best ways to generate leads. Make yourself present in your area and work on your strategic plan to grow your database. Just remember, providing value and authoritative expertise without expectation is the single best way to build trust with potential clients.

Marketing Activities for Realtors®

The top successful Realtors® do a great job with marketing themselves. Realtor marketing activities mean putting in the work to get you noticed while building the right reputation in your community as an experienced Realtor® and the right attracting potential clients. Try out these seven things you can do to help market yourself better.

  1. Send out a direct mail piece.

  2. Start an email list.

  3. Update your mailing list.

  4. Make a social media content strategy.

  5. Review your marketing plan.

  6. Write a blog post.

  7. Create a video.

Get creative with it and showcase your personality when making a video or writing a blog post. Some of these items can not even feel like work, so have some fun with it!

Building Market Knowledge for Realtors®

Building market knowledge is essential, so you know the inventory, trends, and engagement out in various neighborhoods. Staying educated and informed on the latest in the industry not only locally but nationally will give you a leg up. Here are a few tips for building your market knowledge.

  1. Preview available properties, know the inventory well.

  2. Get a certification or designation.

  3. Attend a local board of Realtors® class — and then share the information!

  4. Host your own educational class for first-time buyers.

Understanding your real estate market allows you to evaluate the current landscape in your area and help your sellers and buyers make the right decisions informed by real market knowledge.

Relationship Building for Realtors®

Real estate is all about relationships and working in the service of others. It’s essential to set up and maintain a good foundation with your clients and with your industry network like lenders, inspectors, and contractors. Better relationships mean an overall smoother experience for whatever comes your way. Plus, if you’re authentic and good at what you do, it will lead to more sales and referrals.

  1. Do pop-bys (business and personal).

  2. Write handwritten notes.

  3. Attend a networking event.

  4. Meet someone for a face-to-face coffee or lunch.

  5. Host an informal or formal get-together for those in your sphere of influence.

  6. Volunteer and meet new people.

Realtors® are only as good as their clients and the rest of the industry think they are. That’s why building solid relationships is the only way to make a sustainable career in this industry.

Having a team and a hands-on broker can make all the difference in guiding you through these activities.

Grab a buddy and have fun!

Putting in the effort to do these activities will create long-lasting benefits for your career as a Realtor®. You’ll differentiate yourself from those who are new to the industry and aren’t taking these steps. Plus, these foundations never change and can serve you in the first year of your career and in the 20th year of your career (no, seriously, ask our broker Lisa!).


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